Objectives and Assignments for Part 6

Objectives for Part 6

In this module, we think critically about media.

When you finish this module, you should be able to do all the following:

  • Describe and explain the pressures on commercial media to entertain.

  • Describe and explain the pressures on commercial news media to oversimplify issues and reassure viewers.

  • Explain why political reporting on commercial television tends to underreport domestic labor news.

  • Explain why political reporting on commercial television tends to underreport all foreign news.

  • Give examples of ways in which commercial television tends to reinforce and justify the aims of global capitalism.

  • Give examples of ways in which commercial television tends to marginalize opposition to the aims of corporate sponsors.

  • Give examples of the use of fallacies in advertising.

  • Describe the symptoms of "affluenza"; and explain why affluenza alarms Marxists, Christians, mental-health workers, environmentalists, and moral philosophers.

  • Critically analyze arguments for and against "consumer culture."



Assignments for Part 6






For further reading: resources on advertising, media manipulation of news, global capitalism, affluenza




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